In 2019, Lisa Ruth Flagg passed away of breast cancer after an eight year fight. The Ruth Fund is a nonprofit organization that honors her spirit by investing your collective donations towards breast cancer research. Founded by Lisa’s son, Jackson Flagg, The Ruth Fund hopes to give others the opportunities that Lisa did not have. Through strategic investments, the money you donate will work harder and longer to find a cure.
Supporting Research Over the Long Term
Your donation is invested in stocks, and the resulting cash dividends are contributed annually to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

$9,650 Raised Of $10,000 Goal
The Battle Against Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. Together, we can combat this disease by funding research that gives victims a better chance.
Women Live With Breast Cancer
1 in 8
Women Will Develop Breast Cancer In Their Lifetime
Women Died Of Breast Cancer In 2020 Alone
About The Fund
A contribution to The Ruth Fund offers several advantages over direct donations to a charity.
Increased Value
High Dividend Yield Stock
Index Funds
At The Ruth Fund, your support continues to make a difference long after your initial contribution. By investing your donation in assets, your impact will continue to grow in value.
Long Term Growth
By maintaining a long-term time horizon, The Ruth Fund can outlast market fluctuations and achieve higher returns.
The Ruth Fund focuses on maximizing your donation's growth while ensuring a sustainable cash flow. We invest in companies with steady cash payments, high dividend yields, and long-term stability.
Tax-Deductible Investment
We receive your donation and transfer it to The Ruth Fund, a federal 501c(3) nonprofit organization.
Cash Flow
Every year, your contribution generates cash dividends that are donated directly to cancer research. ​
Final Donation
After many years of compounding in our fund, your entire investment is donated.
In Memory Of Lisa
Lisa's family meant everything to her. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011, she prioritized fighting the disease and spending time with her children, leaving her promising career behind. Despite undergoing three brain surgeries and traveling across the country for treatments, Lisa lived life to the fullest. In the time she had left, she focused on creating lasting memories and never allowed cancer to hinder her goals. Her strength, both physically and emotionally, amazed those who were unaware of her battle with brain tumors. Lisa brought joy to those around her, and her legacy as a courageous cancer fighter will be remembered forever.
About Jackson
My name is Jackson Flagg, and I am the portfolio manager and founder of The Ruth Fund. As a senior at Design Tech High School, I have always had a passion for investing. I have further pursued this interest by leading my school's financial literacy club, taking classes at my local college, and conducting research for my stock portfolio. I created The Ruth Fund because breast cancer is still taking the lives of women, just like my mom. I want to honor her fight by using my passion for finance to help fund breast cancer research. I plan to manage The Ruth Fund for many years so that, one day, we can find a cure.

If you have anything to say or have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.